Tuesday 1 December 2009

never easy.

I'll admit..I'm struggling, struggling a lot. My willpower fails me sometimes, actually not just sometimes, most of the time. Even when I think I am doing well I always go and ruin everything by eating something that turns into something else and something else and there I am in the middle of calorific hell. I just don't seem to have the control to say no when I should, I should be in control, this is all down to me and I need to start gaining some sort of control. It is so hard when you don't have anyone to talk to, I know I have all you girls on here but it is not so easy to just pop on the computor and blog especially when my internet in my house is so rubbish, it was down all last week..was torture. If there is anyone in the UK who is looking for a texting buddy I think that would be really helpful, whenever I'm tempted by something I have someone to talk me out of it, encourage me to carry on. Let me know if you thinking the same.

Hope evryone is doing okay :)


  1. :( i know how you feel, i've been feeling the same way lately. it sucks not having anyone to talk to about it in real life. too bad i'm not in the uk, i'd be ur buddy :)

  2. I know exactly how you are feeling right now... It's so hard to stay strong, to keep your goals in the front of your mind. I definitely have the same problem, where one piece of something turns into eating way more than you intended... If you figure out how to stop it, let me know lol
    Remember that you have the choice, so every time you choose well - it's a triumph. Focus on those good choices, they make all the difference!

  3. it happens to the best of us :/
    just remember hunger is a feeling. nothing more, nothing less. it can't control you, but you can definitely control it.
    think of it as an enemy, the more it hurts, the closer you are to victory :)

    stay strong girl, and think thin. you are always a day closer!

  4. I'm in the UK! I would love to be your texting buddy!


    I will send you my number!
    stay strong
