Monday, 25 January 2010


So I found this link one another girls blog and found it really good.

Its an ideal body weight calucator and well here is my results for my height 5ft 10.

Obesity - above 246lbs

Overweight - 176 - 246lbs (its disgusting thinking a few months ago I was just under being classed as over weight.)

Ideal weight (longest life) - 158 - 176lbs

Ideal weight - 129 - 158

Underweight (anorexia) - 112 - 129

Serious anorexia - below 112

So right now I am in the longest life catergory .. ideal weight? I don't think so.

Yesterday all I had was a slimming world cottage pie (I am quite lucky to have a mum who adores the slimming world cook book) which was around 350 cals and an apple 50 cals.

Today I havn't had anything all day but I am getting my mum to make me slimming world chips, carrots and peas..random I know but if I just asked for peas and carrots I think she wouldn't be too obliged.

Also havn't stopped moving today, I keep running back and fourth across my landing and doing step-ups on the stairs. I am so adamant not to ever see the number 170 or above on my scales again so now I have broke through my plateau I am only going to be going down which means no sitting down, lying down relaxing for long periods, I don't deserve to do that.

As I am going to london tomorrow with my sister and grandad I am going to go to the gym afterwards instead of today as I will be down nearer my gym..strangly excited!

thin is beautiful ♥ x


  1. Due to this test my weight is ideal... But I don't think so!

    Because weight and shapes are different things!

  2. I am 5' 10'' also and also in the longest life section.....not good enough for me either. we can do this!!!!

  3. Ideal wieght? No ta! Stay strong! Keeping active is a great idea! So lucky your mum likes slimming world! stay strong,

  4. thanks fpr this great website. Thanks <3

    Your day war very god, you can be very proud of
    your mom that she cooks with a low carolire.
